10 things you must do in your life!

1. Go out on a raod trip with your friends.
2. Get drunk and call your ex.
3. Fall for a completely wrong person.
4. Eat ice cream during winters.
5. Change your mind, and change it again, coz nothing’s permanent.
6. Shop!! so much that your wallet is completely empty.
7. Make mistakes, take wrong decisions.
8. Laugh aloud when your boss/principal is giving a speech.
9. Fulfill ateast one of your craziest wish.
10.Live your life before its too late.


“Looking at what I’ve left behind, I realized I’ve come a long way”


The Valentine Horror!!!

When the ‘I love you’s’ soon turn to ‘bugger off‘.. have you ever thought what made you like someone, fall for that person so badly that nothing else mattered, thinking only about that one person and when did this slowly turn into whats wrong with him, is he the same person I liked, god he doesn’t love me anymore and finally “WHAT DID I EVER SEE IN HIM..??” The point is if you don’t analyse the situation before falling in love why do you find reasons to prove yourself right when things don’t work out. If you enter a relationship with complete naiveness than stop behaving like Einstein of relationships when you break up. Relationships are meant to be enjoyed, they should be good enough to bring about a smile on your face when they’re over. So on this valentine lets not make the day horrible, start of by letting go of simple things don’t force the person to call you, spare them some time for themselves and their friends, don’t expect anything, surprises are always fun, and most of all have your own life, come over the idea of your life is my life now. A few changes and you’ll once again fall in love with the idea of love!!!


“You have no re…

“You have no responsibility to live up to what other people think you ought to accomplish. I have no responsibility to be like they expect me to be. It’s their MISTAKE, not my FAILING.”- Richard Feynman.



Relationships in India- a whole package

We think the only tough part in a relationship is confessing someone that you like them, the courage to show your feelings to someone else. HELL NO. Come to India!!! The Indian relationships come with a WHOLE package. The tough part starts after confessing ” HIDING YOUR RELATIONSHIP” from your family, neighbors, relatives your relative’s relatives,  from anyone who lives in your area, from parents friends from their children……. After this starts the 2nd war roaming around in the city with your loved one and not being seen. Suddenly the city appears  to be really small, no place. Next comes, buying each other gifts, first keep her happy by giving her gifts from your limited pocket money then if she has siblings and if they know then gift them things to keep their mouths shut, and in a few days your entire pocket money is drained. Yet another thing is not appearing to be to happy at home because if you do so your parents will immediately realize that something’s fishy, and  in the midst of all of this we have to manage relationship which day by day turns sour because they think we are not giving them time. People say being in love is a wonderful feeling but our relationships are already in the dustbin before even start feeling good about it. And if you are someone who is actually managing a relationship with so many odds then you are no less then SUPERMAN. For others BE SINGLE, go on for no tag relationships, flirt with people, tell someone you like them but no commitments. In such a case even if you seen roaming around you can simply say but ‘WE ARE JUST FRIENDS’.


Tired of being Scared!

Permissions, decisions, instructions, restrictions, life’s a mess. You are struggling to have a life of your own and find a place to fit in where you are neither too hot nor too cold, not a geek not a nerd where you are just YOU. But life’s too harsh!! Every time we dream, the world knocks us down and people only expect they never accept. But tired of leading a secondary life. So lets just fight against the so called rules and live your life your way. Stop being scared, just take the leap and fall and before you reach too close to the ground you’ll spread your wings and rise high in the sky and when you’ll look down at then world from there you’ll realize that  “you rule your own world”.

As Langston Hughes once said “Hold fast to your dreams, for if dreams die Life is a broken winged bird, that cannot fly.”ADHD-Leap-of-Faith1

Pic of the month

Pic of the month

The alluring and stunning beaches of MANGLORE. 🙂 Pictures are one of the most appealing part of any newspaper. So this column had to be a part of our newsletter.




We needed someone students could easily write their problems to…. and who’s better than a super secretive agony aunt…


The Beginning…

It all started with a free lecture… a normal day at college teachers teaching, students chatting, chilling in the campus.. we had a free lecture so we were casually discussing the series we used to follow on disney and cartoon network.. {Lizzie Mcguire, Dexter’s labrotary, Powerpuff Girls, Zack and Cody} the last one suddenly reminded me of an episode where Zack played agony aunt for the school newspaper… and i casually stated hey guys lets start a college newsletter, and the response i got as usual was” ha chal lets do it….it sounds really cool” that’s it we were out of the class grabbing permissions from the teachers, discussing the articles to be written, how will the newsletter look like, the printing, and it went on…………. the start was EPIC..

We’ve printed 5 issues till now and are continuing to work on the 6th one……

Maniben Nanavati Women’s College

In our College the Advanced Learners are offered challenges in the form of Research Projects and support for initiatives like ‘Campus Express’ which is college newsletter of the students, by the students and for the students. Campus Express is a special feature of the college as it is an Advanced Learners initiative in the truest sense of the term. It is a spontaneous overflow of a creative need is a group of students and has helped to home writing skills as well as values like team work, responsibility, interviewing skills and work ethics, positive communication etc.


A group of 6 students of B.A. I (English) took the initiative of approaching the English teacher with the request they be given permission and support to support a Student’s news letter. This group had already demonstrated that they were a cut above the rest in writing and speaking skills. They had extensive exposure to language through books, films etc. they took up a challenge of producing a news letter every month. They had freedom to choose their own content. They had complete autonomy in the production process, but a few guidelines were given by the teacher, no harm to be done to the colleges image or any offence given to any individual, language used could be ‘student friendly’  but correctness of spellings etc should be maintained. 5 issues have been brought out and the response has been very positive. 

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