Relationships in India- a whole package

We think the only tough part in a relationship is confessing someone that you like them, the courage to show your feelings to someone else. HELL NO. Come to India!!! The Indian relationships come with a WHOLE package. The tough part starts after confessing ” HIDING YOUR RELATIONSHIP” from your family, neighbors, relatives your relative’s relatives,  from anyone who lives in your area, from parents friends from their children……. After this starts the 2nd war roaming around in the city with your loved one and not being seen. Suddenly the city appears  to be really small, no place. Next comes, buying each other gifts, first keep her happy by giving her gifts from your limited pocket money then if she has siblings and if they know then gift them things to keep their mouths shut, and in a few days your entire pocket money is drained. Yet another thing is not appearing to be to happy at home because if you do so your parents will immediately realize that something’s fishy, and  in the midst of all of this we have to manage relationship which day by day turns sour because they think we are not giving them time. People say being in love is a wonderful feeling but our relationships are already in the dustbin before even start feeling good about it. And if you are someone who is actually managing a relationship with so many odds then you are no less then SUPERMAN. For others BE SINGLE, go on for no tag relationships, flirt with people, tell someone you like them but no commitments. In such a case even if you seen roaming around you can simply say but ‘WE ARE JUST FRIENDS’.


Tired of being Scared!

Permissions, decisions, instructions, restrictions, life’s a mess. You are struggling to have a life of your own and find a place to fit in where you are neither too hot nor too cold, not a geek not a nerd where you are just YOU. But life’s too harsh!! Every time we dream, the world knocks us down and people only expect they never accept. But tired of leading a secondary life. So lets just fight against the so called rules and live your life your way. Stop being scared, just take the leap and fall and before you reach too close to the ground you’ll spread your wings and rise high in the sky and when you’ll look down at then world from there you’ll realize that  “you rule your own world”.

As Langston Hughes once said “Hold fast to your dreams, for if dreams die Life is a broken winged bird, that cannot fly.”ADHD-Leap-of-Faith1